Field Training

Ballasted Track Renovation-Track renewal train

1.5 to 2 dBallasted track renovation English

  • Understand what Ballasted track renovation is really about. Follow mechanized maintenance activities step by step.
  • This training can take place anywhere in France - and is often done at night.
Track and catenary inspection-Iris 320-Vigirail

1 to 1.5 dOnboard track inspection English

  • Comprehend how measurements are done onboard track recording trains - either on Mauzin or on TGV Iris 320. Figure out what these measurements really mean.
  • This training can take place anywhere in France - and is often done at night
Fire behaviour-rail electric cables-Rail testing

1 dRail testing lab English

  • Realize and understand the importance of rail testing - whether it is dedicated to type approval/qualification/validation or to specific measurements required for rail products and equipment.
  • This training takes place just outside Paris.
OCC-Operations Control Centre-Paris metro-Line 1-Automatic line

1 dOperations control centre (OCC) English

  • Understand the way traffic management is done in real-time.
  • Master interactions between sub-systems: Track, Rolling Stock, Signalling, Maintenance.
  • Better comprehend management of degraded modes of operation, as well as the role of the dispatcher (traffic controller) and the control panel.
  • This training takes place in Paris.